The Perform Math on a Custom Field action allows you to perform basic math operations on certain types of custom fields on those contacts who enter the Journey's funnel. See Fig 1 below. 

Fig 1

To select which custom field to perform the math operation on, click the Perform Math on a Custom Field action node once you have added it to the Journey work area. Doing so will bring up this popup ("Properties") on the right-hand side of the screen (See Fig 2 below):  

Fig 2

Clicking the "Custom Field" input field below the "Perform Math on a Custom Field" label will bring up a list of all your available custom fields that are subject to the Perform Math on a Custom Field action (See Fig 3 below). Select the custom field by clicking its name.

Fig 3

Clicking into the "Operation" field will allow you to perform various math operations on the selected custom field, the specific operations allowed dependent on the custom field type:

  • "Date" field - you may add or subtract "X" number of days to/from the contact's "Date" field value. Note: the field cannot be a NULL value (empty). 
  • "Numbers Only" field - you may add, subtract, multiple or divide the custom field value by an value, which can be either an integer or decimal value.

See Fig 4 below.

Fig 4

Clicking into the "Amount" field will allow you to specify the value to be used to modify the contact's custom field value. If you have entered values before, you will see them presented in a popup box, but you may enter any valid value. See Fig 5 below.

Fig 5

Once you have finished with the action's setup, click the "Save Properties" button.