The Visited a Website Entrant Event will add the contact to the Journey funnel when that contact clicks the specified link you provide in an email sent via Pinpointe, where that link redirects to the Pinpointe-hosted landing page you created in Pinpointe's Site Builder tool. See Fig 1 below.

Fig 1

To add the specified Landing Page link to the Journey, as well as any matching rules, click the Visited a Website entrant node once you have added it to the Journey work area. Doing so will bring up this popup ("Properties") on the right-hand side of the screen (See Fig 2 below):

Fig 2

There are two input fields below the "Visited a Website" label.

  • "Match URL" - You have three options:
    • "Specific URL" -  will be used most often, as this will point to a specific landing page.
    • "URL Contains" - would be used when you want to trigger the Journey if one of several landing pages are opened.
    • "URL Does not contain" - would be used to trigger the Journey when one or more landing pages were visited that did NOT contain all or part of a URL link.
  • "Website URL" - You would enter all or part of the trigger URL(s), the actual value being based on your "Match URL" ruleset.

Once the "Match URL" ruleset has been selected and the "Website URL" has been entered, click the "Save Properties" button at the bottom of the popup. The popup will close. To close the Properties popup without performing a selection , click the small "X" in the top right corner.

If you wish to remove an Entrant Event, you may click the "Delete block" button at the bottom. However, please note you must have at least one Entrant Event in a Journey for it to be valid. If you try and delete the only available Entrant Event, the system will show an error. If you wish to replace the Event, select a new one from the list in the left side menu and drag it into the Entrant Event node area in the work area first, then you can delete the other Event.