The Send a Notification Text Message action allows you to send an SMS notification text to the Pinpointe account's owner (user) or any sub-user. The action can be triggered as the first action after a contact enters the Journey's funnel, or as the result of another action. See Fig 1 below. 

Fig 1

NOTE: SMS Messaging (sending "Notification"-type messages) is still in early-adoption status, thus will be accessible to select customers to use in test-only mode. ALL SMS notification messages must first be approved by Pinpointe Admin to ensure the contents of said messages do not violate our SMS partner content rules. Please contact Pinpointe Support with any questions.

As with email campaigns, you must first create an SMS notification message before it may be used in a Journey. To add an SMS notification text message to a Journey, click the Send a Notification Text Message action node once you have added it to the Journey work area. Doing so will bring up this popup ("Properties") on the right-hand side of the screen (See Fig 2):  

Fig 2

Clicking into the field, "Account User", just below the "Send a Notification Text Message" label, will bring bring up a list including the account owner (user) and any sub-users. Select the owner or sub-user who should receive the SMS notification text message.

Fig 3

Now click into the field below "Message", and select the notification SMS text message you wish to send. See Fig 4 below.

Fig 4

Once you have finished with the SMS  setup, click the "Save Properties" button.