Once a Journey has been given its Entrant Event(s), you will now need to decide what Action(s) you want the Journey to take when a contact enters the funnel.  For example, your Entrant Event may be "Added to Database", and you want the initial Action to be, "Send an Email".  On the left side of the Journey work area, you will see a vertical menu under the option, "Actions". See Fig 1 below for a partial screenshot.

Journeys may be made up of multiple Actions, and are the primary building block of a Journey's structure. Adding multiple Actions can result in some very powerful but also complex Journeys. Should you require assistance is setting up your Journey based on your email marketing needs, and are having trouble, please contact Pinpointe Support for help. 

Fig 1

To select an Action, use your cursor to drag the desired Action into the work area below the second dashed blue line and drop it on the circle with the "+" sign inside.  Please note there will be a default Action of "Terminate" at the bottom of the workflow. (See Fig 2 below).

Fig 2

As an example, Fig 3 below shows the Action, "Send an Email", inserted into the main Journey body. 

Fig 3

Shown below are all current Actions options. To learn more about the behavior of each one, please click on the Action name, which will then take you to the selected Action's KBase article.