The primary purpose of this call is to allow the user to change the status of a journey. A journey can have one of three states (the journey's status): 

  1. active (by default, the status when first created)
  2. suspended
  3. inactive

JSON Request Example

  "username": "JohnDoe",
  "usertoken": "abc123abc123abc123abc123",
  "requesttype": "Journeys",
  "requestmethod": "ChangeJourneyStatus",
  "details": {
    "journeyid": "{*journey_id*}", /* required */
    "status": "{*active|inactice|suspended*}"


"json_request" element

Field NameDescription
usernameUsername used to login to Pinpointe
usertokenUnique token assigned to Pinpointe account

"details" element

Field NameDescription
Journey ID of that journey whose status will be changed. 
NOTE: must be the journey ID. Journey name is not accepted in this call. 

Default status of a newly created journey is "active".
A journey's status can be changed to "active" (in the event that an active journey had been previously changed to a different status), "suspended", or "inactive".

Please note: ALL OPTIONAL elements that are not used should be deleted from submitted call. 

Successful Response:

"response" element

Field NameDescription
statusWill return SUCCESS if the journey status has successfully modified. 
datajourney ID

Unsuccessful Response:

"response" element

Field NameDescription
statusWill return FAILED if unsuccessful
errormessageText explaining why request failed