Get detailed statistics for a single campaign. Statistics include start and finish times; number of recipients and their preferred format; bounces and opens; links clicked; and others.

Note:  This API call can also be found under the requesttype of "Stats".

JSON Request Example:       

  "username": "JohnDoe",
  "usertoken": "abc123abc123abc123abc123",
  "requesttype": "Newsletters",
  "requestmethod": "GetNewsletterSummary",
  "details": {
    "stat": "{*stat_id*}", /* required */
    "summaryonly": "{*summary_only_boolean*}",
    "pagination": "{
    	"limit": "{*max_records*}",
        "next": "{*start_at_record_number*}"

"json_request"  element

Field NameDescription
usernameUsername used to login to Pinpointe
usertokenUnique token assigned to Pinpointe account
Please note: ALL OPTIONAL elements that are not used should be deleted from submitted call. For example, if no IP address will be supplied as part of the call, "ipaddress": "{*ip_address*}", should be deleted.  

"details" element

Field NameDescription
statid (Required)Campaign statistics ID. To find this value, hover over "View" link for that campaign under "Email Campaign Statistics".
1, yes or true for summary statistics; 0, no or false for detailed statistics. 

"pagination" element

Please note: If "pagination" parameters omitted, call will return as many records as allowable based on current application memory constraints.  

Field Name
(optional but required if "next" parameter used)
max_records: Integer indicating maximum number of datasets (records) to be returned for the respective call.
start_at_record_number: If parameter used, the call response will be limited to the “limit” value and the response will include a pagination section with the appropriate “next” value to return the next sequential chunk of records, or “0” if all records have been returned.

Successful Response:

"response" element

Field NameDescription
statusWill return SUCCESS if newsletter stats successfully retrieved
dataSee example below

Sample Response:

   status: "SUCCESS",
   data: {
      statid: "34553",
      queueid: "51571",
      jobid: "18526582",
      starttime: "1576116005",
      finishtime: "1576202407",
      htmlrecipients: "3",
      textrecipients: "0",
      multipartrecipients: "0",
      trackopens: "1",
      tracklinks: "1",
      bouncecount_soft: "0",
      bouncecount_hard: "0",
      bouncecount_unknown: "0",
      unsubscribecount: "0",
      feedbackloopcount: "0",
      newsletterid: "18804",
      sendfromname: "Pinpointe",
      sendfromemail: "[email protected]",
      bounceemail: "[email protected]",
      replytoemail: "[email protected]",
      charset: "UTF-8",
      sendinformation: "a:7:{s:2:\"


Unsuccessful Response:

"response" element

Field NameDescription
statusWill return FAILED if unsuccessful
errormessageText explaining why request failed