Returns ID numbers and statistics for all mailing lists. Statistics include number of subscribers, number of contacts who have unsubscribed, and number of contacts who have bounced.

JSON Request Example:    

  "username": "DRBrel2",
  "usertoken": "25cdc94232a34e752e150ca278e980d0416a390f",
  "requesttype": "Lists",
  "requestmethod": "GetLists",
  "details": {
    /* no parameters */

 "json_request"  element

Field NameDescription
usernameUsername used to login to Pinpointe
usertokenUnique token assigned to Pinpointe account

Successful Response:

"response" element

Field NameDescription
statusWill return SUCCESS if lists found for the user name supplied



"item" element - One will be returned for each contact list

Field NameDescription
owneridAccount owner ID
ownernameAccount owner contact name
owneremailAccount owner email address
listidID number for list
nameDescriptive name for list
descriptionList description if present
createdateThe create date timestamp 
deletedateThe delete date timestamp
subscribecountNumber of contacts subscribed to list
unsubscribecountNumber of unsubscribed contacts for list
bouncecountNumber of bounced contacts for list
usernameUsername for account
fullnameUsername for account
sendfromsend-from email address for each respective list presented
totalcountTotal count for all subscribers in list regardless of status

Unsuccessful Response:

"response" element

Field NameDescription
statusWill return FAILED when unsuccessful
errormessageText explaining why request failed