Add one subscriber to a preexisting mailing list. Set subscriber details email address, confirmation status and optional custom fields. You can specify whether to add that subscriber to autoresponders and whether they will receive HTML or text-based mailings.
By using the "send_newsletter" parameter, can create a journey and enroll the specified contact into that journey.
JSON Request Example:
{ "username": "johndoe2", "usertoken": "abc123abc123abc123abc123abc123", "requesttype": "Subscribers", "requestmethod": "AddSubscriberToList", "details": { "email": "{*email_address*}", /* required */ "list": "{*list_id*}", /* required */ "mobilephone": "{*mobile_phone*}", "add_to_autoresponders": "{*add_to_autoresponders_boolean*}", "send_confirmation": "{*send_confirmation_boolean*}", "send_newsletter": "{*newsletter_id or newsletter_name*}", "update_if_exists": "{*update_if_exists_boolean*}", "format": "{*email_format*}", "ipaddress": "{*ip_address*}", "confirmed": "{*confirmed_boolean*}", "timezone": "{*timezone*}", "tag": ["{*tag_id or tag_name*}", "{*tag_id or tag_name*}"], "customfield": [ { "fieldid": "{*custom_field_id*}", "value": "{*custom_field_value*}" }, { "fieldid": "{*custom_field_id*}", "value": "{*custom_field_value*}" } ], "return_data": "{*return_data_boolean*}", "include_membership": "{*include_membership_boolean*}" } }
"json_request" element
Field Name | Description |
username | Username used to login to Pinpointe |
usertoken | Unique token assigned to Pinpointe account |
requesttype | Subscribers |
requestmethod | AddSubscribersToList |
Please note: ALL OPTIONAL elements that are not used should be deleted from submitted call. For example, if no IP address will be supplied as part of the call, "ipaddress": "{*ip_address*}", should be deleted.
"details" element
Note: this section is to apply element values globally to all contacts for the API call. Corresponding element values entered as part of a contact-specific entry as described below will override these global values.
Field Name | Description |
email (Required) | Address of contact to be added. |
list (Required) | Add contact to the database mailing list with this ID number. |
mobilephone (optional) | Mobile phone number of contact. Required for SMS messaging through Pinpointe. |
add_to_autoresponders (optional) | Adds contact to autoresponders, if they exist using true, 1 or yes If you do not wish to add contact to autoresponders, enter a value of false, 0 or no. false is default. |
send_confirmation (optional) | Use true, 1 or yes to automatically send confirmation email to contact if <confirmed> tag set to false, 0 or no. Set <send_confirmation> to false, 0 or no if you do NOT want to send a confirmation email. Default is false. |
send_newletter (optional) | newsletter_id or newsletter_name to be sent. NOTE: Including this parameter will create a journey. |
update_if_exists (optional) | Set as true, 1 or yes to update contact custom fields and tags. Default is false. If you attempt to update an existing contact field value without setting this to true, 1 or yes, system will throw an error. false is default. |
format (optional) | Use html to send user HTML emails or text for plain-text. html is the default. |
ipaddress (optional) | Can add optional IP address. |
confirmed (optional) | Use true, 1 or yes to mark user as confirmed or false, 0 or no for unconfirmed. true is default |
timezone (optional) | Will accept US / Canadian time zones as local-specified (e.g. America/Los_Angeles) OR any of the US or Canadian short codes: EST, EDT, CST, CDT, MST, MDT, PST, PDT, etc. OR an offset from GMT/UTC. |
tag (optional) | Use one or more elements to assign tag(s) to this subscriber. Values can be the tag's numeric ID or the tag name. |
"customfield" OPTIONAL
"fieldid", "value" elements - add values for a subscriber's custom fields. Use one "fieldid" and "value" pair per custom field.
NOTE: you may insert multiple "customfield" elements to add/update multiple custom fields.
Field Name | Description |
fieldid | ID of custom field to be added. |
value | Value of this custom field |
Please note: If no custom field data is to be sent, please delete the "customfield" elements and all inner elements to avoid a submission error. |
"return_data" and "include_membership" elements
return_data | Setting this element's value to true, 1 or yes results in the API call returning an expanded body of subscriber data required by some applications. |
include_membership | PieSync requirement: Setting this element's value to true, 1 or yes results in the API call adding a list of all tags that a subscriber is in as part of the returned information for that subscriber. |
Successful Response:
"response" element
Field Name | Description |
status | Will return SUCCESS if user was successfully added |
Unsuccessful Response:
"response" element
Field Name | Description |
status | Will return FAILED if unsuccessful |
errormessage | Text explaining why request failed |