If you have multiple contacts in your database(s) that you want to Unsubscribe, Delete or mark as Bounced all at once (Bulk Delete or Bulk Mark as Unsubscribed / Bounced), follow the instructions below.

First, if you have a large number of contacts, you may want to manually create a text or CSV file containing the email addresses for each database that you want to Unsubscribe, mark as Bounced or Delete the contacts' email addresses from. The file should only contain 1 contact email address per line (row).

As an alternative to manually creating the list of unsubscribes/bounces/deletes, you can create a segment of those contacts and export it to a csv file (only export the email address field). If you are migrating from another ESP to Pinpointe, you should be able to export a list of your current contacts from the old ESP that will usually include some sort of "Status" field that will denote the status of each email address, such as "active", "opt-out", "bounce" or "error", etc. 


WARNING: Your list must be email addresses ONLY; DO NOT include any other fields (columns). In addition, unlike when importing a list of contacts when populating your Pinpointe database, the first row of your Bulk Remove/Unsubscribe csv file should be the first email address you wish to delete or unsubscribe. The first row should NOT be a column name such as "Email Address". 

To Remove, Unsubscribe or mark Contacts as Bounced:

Go to the Contacts tab -> Bulk Remove.

Next, select the contact database that contains the contacts you want to permanently delete, unsubscribe or mark as bounced, and click the "Next >>" button

On the next page, you have a couple of options that are pretty self-explanatory. You have the option to either:

 a)  Type the email addresses of contacts into a text box (you may also copy & paste a list of addresses from a another source).
 b)  Upload the csv file you manually created that contains the list of email addresses (best method for larger lists).

Then you can choose from the drop down box next to "For the contacts above:" to either:
    a)  Mark them as unsubscribed (recommended as opposed to removing permanently)
    b)  Remove them from your list permanently
    c)  Mark them as bounced if appropriate


After you have chosen your options, load your list (or type/paste it). When you are done, click the "Next >>" button and the list of contacts to be Deleted, Unsubscribed or marked as Bounced will be applied to your selected database.

Repeat this process for all databases from which you want to Delete, Unsubscribe or mark contacts as Bounced.