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Contact Management - Databases, Lists and Segments
Databases, Contacts & Lists - Importing, Exporting and Merging
Getting the Most From Pinpointe Contact Management
How do I import contacts from a spreadsheet?
How do I create a new contact database?
Receiving Error - Cannot Create New List(s)
Why am I receiving 'Invalid data' errors when importing a contact list?
See all 14 articles
Managing Unsubscribes and Bounces
Do I need to delete/remove unsubscribes?
How do I unsubscribe/delete/mark as bounced multiple contacts at once?
How do I view or export a list of all unsubscribed email accounts?
If a recipient is in multiple lists and they click 'unsubscribe,' which list are they unsubscribed from?
Customizing Your Default Unsubscribe Form
Using Segments and Lists
What are the differences between databases, segments and tagged lists?
What is a segment?
How do I create and utilize segments?
How can I send to a part of my list?
Searching/Updating Contacts & Fields
How do I search for a particular contact or group of contacts?
How do I update fields in an existing contact list?
How do I view, update, or delete a specific contact?
Suppression Lists
Can I upload a suppression list?
When I import my list, why are some contacts on a global block list?
Database Settings
How do I update my database names and descriptions?
Tagged Lists
How do I create a tagged list?
What is a tagged list?
How do I untag a contact in a tagged list?
Help Video: Creating and using Tagged Lists