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General Questions
What are the different types of website forms?
Can I modify the look and feel for signup, unsubscribe and other forms in Pinpointe?
How can I change the order of data fields in a form that I've already created?
How do I insert a "hidden" field in my form?
Subscription Form (Integrated Into Your Website)
How do I create and add a subscription form to my website?
How do I add my email subscription form to WordPress?
Can I add my custom fields to my subscription form's thank you page?
Why isn't my subscription form working?
How do I Automatically Add a Subscriber to a Hidden List?
Customer Preferences (Modify Details) Form
How does the 'Modify Details' form work?
How do my contacts modify the details of their subscription(s)?
Why can't I put a modify details form on my website?
Unsubscribe Form
What kind of configurations does the unsubscribe feature support?
How do I place an unsubscribe form on my website?
Can my contacts subscribe to other email lists on the ‘unsubscribe’ landing page?
How do database names show up on the ‘unsubscribe’ landing page?
Can I add descriptions to the databases that are on my ‘unsubscribe’ landing page?
Forward To Friend Form
How do I place a 'Forward to Friend' form link in an email campaign?
How does a 'Forward to Friend' form work?
How do I create a "Forward to Friend" form?
Displaying the Error Message Returned by a Web Form